Business or Person Due Diligence.

Hemaya works with professional investigators with over 15 years of experience, advising well-known clients from the automotive and financial industries as well as systemically important energy groups and lawyers. We seek out information, provide evidence and create facts swiftly, legally and in the best possible network, all to your advantage. The key to our success is no secret, but rather the result of a well structured, methodical approach. Accurately researched investigation reports ensure damage minimization and guarantee you the necessary knowledge advantage.

Integrator|CCTV|Surveillance software|security|ELV|Bahrain

Security checks On individuals

Hemaya’s ISC authenticates a range of information including personal data and address details, evaluates social-media channels, unravels entangled corporations, and analyzes the environment. Scrupulously trained questioners, with backgrounds in law enforcement and psychology, conduct hour long security interviews to expose potential contradictions or inconsistencies, thereby protecting you from making regrettable decisions. In the ideal scenario, we give you the green light and the security of knowing you have minimized your risk. We work strictly in accord with local compliance standards and the guidelines of Swiss data-protection officers.

Integrator|CCTV|Surveillance software|security|Bahrain|ELV

Insurance Fraud Prevention

At Hemaya, we use our extensive knowledge of the current legal situation to document incriminating and exonerative facts for further legal use as becomes necessary. Together with our foreign partners, we also cover customer needs worldwide .

ELV|CCTV|Surveillance software|security|Bahrain|Integrator

Information Procurement

Information procurement is a facilitated forte at Hemaya; a skilled trade that we constantly refine with the support of a continually growing global network and the latest technical advancements. We verify alleged insolvency, track down debtors or inheritors, and make concealed assets visible.